Masih tetep coklat.... tgl 13 Sept lalu mbak Hanni merayakan hari jadinya mereka, dan yang order cake ini justru Pak Irwan (rahasia ya pak??) untuk ngasih kejutan buat istri tercinta (mmm........romantisnya si Bapak ini ya). cakenya coklat, creamnya ganache dan tulisannya pun pake coklat. Happy anniversary ya mbak Hanni and Pak Irwan semoga langgeng sampai kapanpun he..he..
Welcome to my blog of cooking. This blog is as a way to express my great intention to cooking and improve my skill in cooking to be professional. Practicing and expanding knowledge of cooking could develop the mastery of cooking. We service the order of food and cake for party, meeting, birthday, and other personal-consumption. Our service is limited to Nagoya and its vicinity area only. For order please contact Devi' Kitchen, Honjigaoka, Nagoya. We are specialist in Indonesian Food.